In the Middle East, opportunities for higher education abound. Public and private universities all over the region are globally recognized as premier sites of research and progress. They offer men and women of all races, religions, and nationalities the opportunity to receive a high-quality education while experiencing the diverse culture of the Arab world.
A prime example of an institution of higher education is King Saud University. It is located in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and ranks as the number one university in the Arab world. With a student body of close to 40,000, the public university offers a broad range of programs in health sciences, natural and social sciences, and humanities. The university has also established two hospitals: the King Khalid University Hospital and the King Abdul-Aziz hospital, the former of which offers free care to all qualified patients.

Although the university has some separate educational programs for men and women, non-Arab individuals must understand that this arrangement is part of Arab culture and is not meant to be discriminatory or demeaning. Women are offered a variety of programs to receive advanced degrees and to become leaders in science, politics, education, and a myriad of other fields. King Saud University also represents the first university in Saudi Arabia not dedicated to religious subjects. Instead, it is founded on the Islamic principles of quality, excellence, leadership, teamwork, freedom of inquiry, fairness, integrity, transparency, accountability, and lifelong learning. These are applied the university's academic subjects, providing students with an education based on principles that are globally valued.
Another leading Arab university is the United Arab Emirates University. The institution has over 12,000 students, 24% of whom are male and 76% of whom are female. With programs in humanities and social science, natural and health sciences, education, business, law, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and information technology, UAE University represents Arab values of leadership, equality, and opportunity. Its location in Al-Ain, one of the largest cities in the United Arab Emirates, and proximity to other large cities such as Dubai, also offer students exclusive opportunities to be at the forefront in technological and scientific advancement and research.

Hundreds of other private and public institutions of higher education exist in every Middle Eastern Country. Arabs are at the forefront of research initiatives and advancement. Their countries hold unlimited potential to influence the world as more and more individuals seek education and bring their diverse experiences to institutions of higher learning.